Blissful Baby Workshops
Blissful Baby Massage Workshops
My blissful baby Massage workshop is a wonderful 5 week workshop, where you learn fantastic massaging moves. Baby Massage is given in a loving and nurturing way. Some of the most intimate and deeply communicative moments between a parent and their baby are spent in utter silence as they stroke their back or tummy or gentle holding baby's foot. There is no substitute for a parent's loving touch. Through touch, babies learn about comfort and security. Not only will you have these loving moments, you will also be helping your baby in many other ways too. Other benefits are:
health benefits (it is said to help with colic, constipation, reflux and digestion)
general well being
bonding/special time
relaxing and comforting
help with teething
overall growth and development
joint movement/mobility
helps improve the circulation system, lymphatic system, and nervous system
the list is endless
Quoting Frederick LeBoyer " Being touched and caressed, being massaged, is food for the infant. Food is necessary as minerals, vitamins and proteins."
The course is broken down into routines and each week, we look at a different areas to massage on your baby. During the course, I explain what benefits each technique gives your baby, allowing you to understand better, which moves will help your little one as they grow and develop. You will quickly become confident with the moves and learn your baby's cues. Its an amazing way to communicate with your baby. Handy handouts are given out as part of the course. Not only will your baby enjoy being massaged, you to will have so much joy doing it.

Blissful Baby (and Toddler) Reflexology Workshops

Babies love to have their hands and feet played with. It is a natural action to take hold of a baby`s foot and play with toes and to take hold of their tiny fingers and hands! A baby loves to be comforted, secure and loved. Research has shown that through touch it assists with growth and development and the physical act of reflexology increases blow flow,
energy flow and strengthens the immune system. How about taking this playtime beyond fun and learn how to do reflexology on your baby or toddler.
How may Baby or Toddler Reflexology help?
calming and relaxing
improve sleep pattern
help to improve the immune system
help with snuffly noses and congestion, coughs and colds
help to alleviate colic
improves digestive function and issues such as constipation. It will also sooth discomforts associated with this condition
help with teething pain and distress
help with general well being
With knowledge of specific areas on your baby's feet, you can be precisely apply reflexology techniques to help with conditions such as; reflux, colic and improve sleep patterns. By working on the digestive system, you can help to relieve constipation and diarrhoea. By working on the solar plexus area, you can promote sleep and relaxation; on the chest, diaphragm, lymph, sinus and associated areas, you can help relieve colds and respiratory ailments, not to mention have very relaxed and calm babies (or Toddlers). Parents are also able to adapt the baby/toddler Reflexology treatments to suit the child’s needs all the way through childhood to adulthood. It takes no longer than 5 minutes to do and ultimately can be squeezed in and around the baby or toddlers routine. Many people find it is very versatile and can be done anywhere at any time. There is no need for lotion or to remove items of clothes, which makes it ideal to use during those moments a baby/toddler becomes inconsolable whilst out and about in a supermarket or restaurant.
Of course, a baby does not need to be out of sorts to receive reflexology, it can be a very beneficial therapy to receive on a regular basis to stimulate growth and development, help maintain good health and strengthen the immune system.
Baby and Toddler reflexology is suitable for all babies from 4 weeks upwards. As parent(s), you are taught the techniques over 2/3 workshops. The workshops are broken down into 3 main topics:

“I almost gave up hope from getting help with my daughter's colic and constipation. Then I found Rachel from Little Indulgence and now I want to scream at my Health visitors and tell everyone about my experience. After two treatments of Baby Reflex I noticed a huge improvement.
I am pleased to report that Anya is now symptom free and now is a happy, healthy baby due to Rachel's advise and treatment. Rachel was informative, professional and passionate about her work. I would recommend her to all. I can't thank you enough!!”
Natasha, Mother and Teacher, Wanstead
“I love baby reflexology because each treatment is so quick that my fidgety 11 month old stays interested. I look forward to each session, because she stops wriggling and gazes adoringly at me while I do it, and gives me a gorgeous big smile at her favourite bits. its a fantastic way to bond with your baby, whilst keeping her healthy and relaxed at the same time. I would thoroughly recommend it to any parent, and rachel was a brilliant teacher... really friendly, and the sessions were done in a really relaxed setting, with lots of one to one help.”
Emma's Mummy, Chingford
“ Doing reflexology on my lovely baby daughter Emma has truly helped me bond with her in a very special way. Changing nappies is not just another stressful event in a busy daddys schedule, but rather a time when I can communicate with her and make her feel calm and relaxed.
Rachel has made me realise how important being well is, to have a happy baby, and at the same time I've learnt how different parts of the body depend on each other to make your baby feel good.
It`s remarkable to see how Emma responds to the different techniques I use, and I am convinced that she appreciates the reflexology time just as much as I do.
It`s amazing what a few minutes of reflexology and extra attention have done for developing my relationship with Emma, and I am very grateful to Rachel because she has given me the skills to bond with my baby in a way I never knew was possible."
Emma's Daddy, Chingford
"I remember when my little one had colic for 7 looooong weeks, on one particular day he woke up screaming at 4am and didn't stop until 8pm that evening. I took him to the doctors as I thought it was something more serious but it was just bad colic. We tried everything, colic oral drops, circulating his hips and tummy rubs, medicated formula......nothing worked! until we met Rachel Forsyth who saved us by teaching us baby reflexology and within 24hrs his colic went away/calmed down & as soon as it flared up again my husband or I would do reflexology on him and my little one would instantly can down. It was amazing and I strongly recommend Rachel, she is a fab teacher.
Two years later and I am still so thankful we discovered baby reflexology (only wished I had known from the start so my little one and I didn't have to go through that for 7 weeks."
Jo, Waltham Abbey
Digestive problems
Well being

There is a lot to learn over the 2/3 sessions, but to make sure you don't forget, useful hand outs are given out and lots of practice is done in the sessions. This combination will help you confidently apply the techniques to your baby's feet. Parents can either learn through group sessions or One2one sessions.
I offer mum and baby reflexology sessions too. Mum has a wonderful relaxing reflexology session with baby on or close to her followed, by mum learning some really wonderful and useful techniques for baby.
Reflexology is not a replacement for medical treatment, I do not diagnosis or prognosis, but Reflexology can support most forms of medical treatments if given permission by your babys GP.
To find out first hand how Baby and Toddler Reflexology seems to help your child(ren) please view my testimonials.